AUGUST 2005 ‚ 2000 HOURS ‚ LOS ANGELES It was a 10.5-hour flight from London back here, but at least it was made from our roomy window and aisle seats aboard an American Airlines 767. After touchdown at about 2:50 this afternoon we cleared customs, reclaimed our bags and hailed a taxi that whisked us across the 105 freeway to the 110 north to the 101 off at the Rampart exit and in front of our house at a little bit past 4 p.m. where we found my mom who had a welcome home bottle of champagne on ice for us and lamb cooking in the oven. A quick animal inventory yielded all creatures in good health and varying levels of interest at our return, with Shadow winning that category. After eating, I wasted no time in hooking up my trusty Alphasmart device to my desktop and downloading all the entries into this file. Without a hitch. But I'm afraid I just don't have the energy to tackle all the images archived on the iPod. I suppose I should close with some profound words of reflection, but Susan's already come in and found me passed out once here at my chair (at one point I even awoke from a doze pressing on the arm trying to located the seat's recline button) so the best I can come up with is that I'm pleased that we're all home and all safe here at our journey's end. Goodbye Africa. And goodnight.