JULY 2005 ‚ 1550 HOURS ‚ O'HARE AIRPORT CHICAGO The culture of airports is seamless in its uniformity. Looking around there's really nothing to distinguish this place from LAX. Terminal K here could very well be Terminal No. 4 back there. In fact, if I had been drugged, shipped and set in a seat here, upon waking I'd think I hadn't gone anywhere. The people are the same. Their demeanors are the same. Nothing differentiates. But here we are, one flight down and two more to go before Nairobi. The flight itself uneventful. We flew a big-ass 767 and were way in the back, with the obligatory baby who cried many times during the flight. Spiderman 2 was the inflight film and any doubts about whether I should or shouldn't have brought my Bose headphones were dispelled the moment I plugged them into the jack. They did such a good job blocking out the crying brat and other cabin and engine noise that I actually came away from he film liking it better than I had when Susan and I first watched it. Plugging the headphones into the iPod I handed them over to Susan to listen to Pepe Deluxe's "Lying Peacefully," a very groovy tune. Then while she napped I fired up Dvorak's "New World Symphony." Very appropriate, I thought, given how were going to a part of the world that's so new to us. Anyway, Susan's off into the terminal to find us some grub. We took our first anti-malarial pill and so far no adverse reactions to it. Uh-oh. A mom
and two kids just hauled up and grabbed seats. The boy isÖ I don't
want to say retarded, but definitely challenged in some way. When he talks
he does so in a loud whiny voice and man I'm getting the vibe that he's gonna
be very close to us on the plane. All. The. Way. To. London. Cheers! |