I worked from home yesterday by the grace of my boss who took mercy on me in the wake of about three hours of work getting destroyed Monday night when a power burp to the building browned out my computer and rather than run crying from my office I manned up and stayed until after …

Stormwatch: Day 5

And on what’s expected to have been the last day of this week-long series of storms over Los Angeles, I measured an additional 0.375 inches, bringing the total accumulation to 2.71875 inches.  And for my next trick I will measure the amounts that evaporate. Just kidding. The end.

Stormwatch: Day 4

Yeah, yeah. I know the storm has wreaked havoc in other areas, and last night put on quite a show with heavy downpours, huge lightning and a touch of the hail as I was driving home in it, but in terms of my locations in the city during these past four days, I haven’t been …

Stormwatch: Day 3

Well, yesterday was bigger than the day before, but both combined just barely topped Monday’s rainfall total. All in for yesterday: 0.6875 inches for a three-day accumulation of 1.90625 inches. Note: Marker lines are approximations of the previous day’s rainfall. Calculations are made based on differences measured between photographs, not lines.

Stormwatch: Day 2

Given the increased intensity of Tuesday’s meteorological activity, I was expecting to find a substantial amount of rainfall added to yesterday’s. Nope. This morning I found only  0.25 inches had been captured, bringing the two-day precipitation total for the corner of our front yard in the 90026 to: 1.21875.

Stormwatch: Day 1

With storms lined up and on approach to Los Angeles like a series of jumbojets coming in for landings at LAX, of course I placed my trusty high-tech Precipitation Collection Apparatus in prime position to accumulate a sample measurement of the rainfall coming down on our Silver Lake house in the 90026. In roughly the …