Heron Out

(click it for the heavily stylized bigger picture) I made the mistake of believing the worst of the storm had past this afternoon, and set out to take care of a truck errand on my lunch hour. Since the work on my Nissan was going to take about that amount of time I went for …

Well Past Half-A-Foot

I only marked the porch-based precipitation quantification device to five inches and as you can see below, the amount collected since Friday morning has well surpassed that delineation upwards into the six-inch level. With the heaviest rain expected later today and tomorrow, I think we’ll see the beaker fully filled before these storms are through.

3 Inches In 46 Hours & Rising

It’s not the easiest read, but as of a few minutes prior to posting this, the precipitation station I set up in front of the porch webcam has collected a representative sample of slightly more than three inches of rainfall since it was put in place Friday morning at roughly 9:45 a.m. Even less visible …

Whadda Mess

Ahhhh, rains the early morning of All Hallow’s Eve Eve have left bones all over the graveyard! Isn’t it lovely in the dark before the dawn!?

Double Rainbow Over Silver Lake

Me again, with the rough-stitched panorama. Funky weather we’re having, eh? The cloudcover’s been a nice filter for the blazing hot sun, but it got a bit hostile lateyesterday afternoon with lightning, thunder even a few drops through the oppressively muggy subtropical temperatures of an intensely liquid substance the weather people are on rare occasion …