Silver Lake Stormwatch: November 17

Now that’s a storm! No weaksauce zero-point-zero-one-nuthin’ rainfall total this time. Just a good, old-fashioned one-and-a-half-plus inches dropped until it stopped sometime between last night and this Sunday morning. November 17: 1.68″ Year To Date: 2.31″

Silver Lake Stormwatch: November 08

There’s an air of “Oh why bother!?” when dealing with such paltry amounts of precipitation, such as that which fell upon our Silver Lake backyard yesterday. Trying to decide where the line sits between the 1/8th and 2/8ths marks is slightly silly. But Ben Franklin once said so eruditiously, “Measurable rain is measurable rain, bitches!” …

Double Duty

I usually bring the glass portion of my backyard precipitometer in when there’s no rain in the forecast — the better to prevent it from getting broken. But following this week’s surprise storm, I left it out there, and in doing so I may have accidentally stumbled upon a secondary use as a measurement to …

Silver Lake Stormwatch: October 22

I typically treat any announcements of rain chances below 60% with a healthy dose of skepticism. This is Southern California, after all, where you are better off believing it’ll rain only when you see it rain. So when the various meteorological institutions and representatives were saying that there wasn’t much more than a 20% chance …

Silver Lake Stormwatch: October 11

Every bit of measurable rain counts, and so we begin another season of Silver Lake Stormwatch, though this time around with a bit of a whimper: 3/16ths or 0.1875 inches (or 0.4 centimeters for you metric types) captured by the backyard precipitometer, most of which landed during a particularly saturated and electrically charged cell that …

Silver Lake Stormwatch: April 26

‘Twas another quiet storm, falling almost silently throughout yesterday’s early morn. But in the the end this  soaker brought upon our Silver Lake backyard another 1.5 inches. Will it be the last one of the season? If so, the total inches caught by our hard-working precipitometer between the first rain in October and now stands …

Silver Lake Stormwatch: April 13

The system that preceded yesterday’s I called “quiet storm” because it fell so silently during the night of April 11. Friday’s I dubbed fashionably late because it certainly took its time arriving — but when it eventually did it wasn’t shy about it. In the end yesterday it delivered 1.5 inches according to our backyard …