River Dance

Just as I’ve previously asked you to forgive my lack of personal experience with the timewarp that is the International Date Line, I beg you to suffer my fascination with rivers.  It’s the waterway-deprived angeleno in me that can’t help but point a camera at Bangkok’s Chao Phraya river below our hotel and capture a …

Turkey Day Ride

What was planned as a solo outing ended up being a magnificent 20-mile ride (route map) with friends Don and Stephen and Alice that took us up the LA River Bikeway behind Griffith Park, up the “rollercoaster” then up Mt Hollywood  Drive to its highest point before descending via Vista del Valle Drive back into …

Orange You Glad

Unlike the previous video from a chest-level perspective, I left Philippe’s for home across a wind-scrubbed downtown with the cam bolted back onto my handlebars. The middle section of this clip features a nice prolonged interlude inside Orange 20 Bikeshop, where I decided to head to from my day at Philippe’s to get some advice …

Timelapsification: Silver Lake To Philippe’s

A Monday morning power outage left me in the need of electricity. So I packed up the laptop and biked it to the nearest outlet at Philippe’s near Chinatown, recording the trip via a unique chest mount for my GoPro camera. It certainly provides a different perspective than a handlebar mount, making my arms look …