The Night In Studio City That I Played One Game Of Tennis With Wilt Chamberlain

L.A. Blogfather and L.A. Times Blogmaster Tony Pierce has a picture I presume he took posted to his Busblog of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, who in the frame I presume is in the midst of getting an assist with his new L.A. Times blog that Tony helped land — and all of which is awesome. Tony’s proximity …


With news of the 38,000-acre fire out in Santa Clarita having been started by a 10-year-old boy playing with matches my first impulse was a desire to see the kid and his parents and even the family dog prosecuted to the full extent of the law — and if the law wasn’t severe enough then …


Maybe I’ve written of it before, but my favorite time of my childhood was when I lived on Holly Drive in Hollywood in the mid-1970s, primarily because there were a bunch of neighborhood kids around my age and there was a vacant lot on the corner where we’d have occasional baseball games and dirtclod fights. …

Little Is Coincidental

I try to be a firm believer in things happening for a reason — good or bad. Sometimes I’ll get into arguments with myself about that adage over the little things… like what could possibly be the purpose of that ding I got from some sunzabeech in my truck’s door in the parking lot where I work yesterday (answer: all the …

When Ms. Bombshell Met Mr. Smitten

I usually don’t do much in the way of identical cross-posting, but I just filed this prehistoric recollection over at and decided to paper the walls with it here as well:  Seeing as it’s — ahem — that day, I figured why not regale anyone interested with what has to be the most spontaneously romantic thing I’ve ever …

Close Call

I’m fuzzy about dates when anything happened while I was in high school. I wanna say the Palm Springs trip with my volunteer Big Brother Lloyd Miller took place in the summer of 1980 — in fact now that I think about it I’m as certain as I can be in part because I was 16 and had my …