Oops I Did It Again

Those of long-suffering readers know that when an incident such as yesterday’s nearby noisemakers transpires I’m pretty much entirely incapable of not stepping to the trangressors with some sort of written response: August 14, 2006 To: Those responsible for the noise yesterday I can’t and won’t speak for my fellow neighbors who live even closer …

Putting The “Ca-Ca” in Cacophony

Here we go. Dogs get fleas. I get neighbors. More specifically rowdy craptastic decibel-loving punktard jackholes who repeatedly demonstrate their rank ability to disrespect anything but their own selfishly skewed perception of themselves at the centers of their own fucked up universes. This time I happen to be two houses south of that center. It’s …

To Hell With L.A. Times And All Their Telemarketers Wherever They Are!

Phone rings yesterday and it’s a young man from Bangalore, India or Mogadishu, Somalia or Reykjavik, Iceland or Whogives, Aturdistan calling asking if they may speak to a “Mr. or Mrs. McLain.” With McLain being Susan’s maiden moniker I tell them honestly and matter of factly that there is no one here at this number …

An Inspector Calls

You might recall my post from the end of April in which one of the waterheaters broke and we almost got super ripped off before getting a much better deal through Home Depot only then to get moderately ripped off with extras added to the bill by the plumbing company that showed up to do …