Divorcing Mr. Coffee

Argh! I bought a Mr. Coffee FT Series coffeemaker in July at Costco after our Gevalia maker finally kicked the basket after three long years. In that quarter year with Mr. Coffee, I have gone through three decanters… the third one breaking this morning while cleaning it. With a sponge. Crrrrrack! Fuck!! Of course in …

Random Question

What is the derivation of RIP? Does it stem from a diehard tradition from back in the day when newspage space was at a premium and obituary typesetters were always looking to save a little time? Maybe so, or maybe there’s a better reason but in this online day and age, why after a deceased’s …

Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me

Last Sunday morning, whoever the putrescent scumbag was didn’t actually steal the entire L.A. Times, just broke into the pocket containing two freebie razors that were part of promo package in which the paper was wrapped. Upon discovering the break-in I shrugged and let it go not only because at least the bastards left the …

Tile Rhymes With Awhile

Dear batcheldertiledotcom and missiontilewestdotcom, You’ll notice first off in the salutation of this letter that I haven’t linked to your respective websites. I did that on purpose because I’m perturbed at you both and ain’t no way I’m giving you any kind of recognition. I won’t go so far as to say you suck because …

Yeah… Some “Courtesy”

Seeing as how Olympus has had my malfunctioning Stylus 710 for more than a month now and it’s been exactly four silent weeks to the day since I wrote them back suggesting Olympus go take a flying leap after the company wrote telling me they considered the damage to be beyond warranty coverage and weren’t …

Picture This

Dear Olympus, The only thing keeping me from unleashing an all-out, multiple-front complaint assault about the pathetic level of customer service you’ve provided me in regards to the broken digital camera I sent you for repairs at the end of April is the fact that I didn’t pay for the unit in limbo. That’s right, …

Time Passages

File this under trivial, but I just can’t stand when the morning’s dominos fall so off-kilterly. It started well. My buddy and former boss Timothy Hughes sent me a lead toward a gig that we both figured I could kick ass at, so I wasted no time completing the online application and getting that ball rolling toward …