@!#$*%& Gas-Powered Leaf Blowers And The $%!@#& That Use Them

For far too many Saturdays mornings the gardeners for the people next door to us have been excessive (to say the least) in their illegal (LAMC Sections 112.04 & 112.05) use of gas-powered leafblowers. This particular morning it started shortly after 9 a.m. and with a couple brief breaks (I assume because the machines ran …

Thanks, ABC/ESPN

Caution: sports post ahead. The last few Mondays have been weird in that I am no longer found on the couch in front of the TV watching the duration of Monday Night Football. That may seem like no big deal, but I’m talking about a show that’s easily been on of my favorite never-miss television …

As Gawd’z Me Witness…

I left home in my truck this morning at 8:03 a.m. All was going as smoothly as could be expected, with me getting down to Commonwealth and Wilshire in six minutes and passing Crenshaw and Jefferson about 20 minutes after that. If all went well from there I would’ve been to work in another 15 …


It escaped many, but not me… no matter how minor it may be. See typically and for as long as I can remember Daylight Saving Time has ended the weekend of or before Halloween. That’s right, whoever those state or federal powers might be decreed that in the year 2007, the DST period would not …

Powered By Ranting

Like most bullshit automobile adornment trends — the pissing Calvin, “Baby On Board” signage, bumper stickers that petulantly demand I accept that Jesus Is God while simultaneously commanding that I Read The Bible — I don’t know where and when they start. All I know is that they can never fade away fast enough to …

Laptop Craptop

While I was in Orlando last week, I was provided with a company laptop to use. It was a Hell Dell Latitude, which more appropriately or subliminally should be called L’attitude –French for “the attitude” — because one crucial and malignant aspect of it was continually and predominately a freakin’ pain in the ass and …