Here We Go Again. Again.

According to EastsiderLA blog, some dastardly jackass cyclist on the LA River Bike Path this past weekend reportedly knocked down and slightly injured a volunteer helping with the Friends of the Los Angeles River’s annual Great LA River Cleanup. And didn’t even bother to stop. Sigh. And of course the moment such preventable things like …

They Call It Swarmy Monday…

Ranger’s bark by the backdoor yesterday brought me to her to find something absolutely awesome: A large transient bee swarm had came from who knows where to literally hang out in the backyard fig tree for a spell, and of course I got footage of the experience from various angles, accompanied by my narration that …

First In An Occasional Series: Bikeway Peds Behaving Badly

With the completion of the stretch of the Los Angeles River Bikeway through Elysian Valley have come conflicts between pedestrians and cyclists. Certainly a percentage of inconsiderate individuals from each side are responsible for these negative interactions, but inevitably blog posts about the topic will be published in which proprietary pedestrians seems to relish making …

Ranger Goes For A Swim

Susan and I took Ranger for an afternoon out-and-back along the east bank of the Los Angeles River downstream from the Fletcher Drive Bridge, and Ranger unintentionally ended up  getting very upclose and personal with the water as shown in the still above (click it for the bigger picture) and the video clip below: I’m …

The Early Bird Gets The Paddle

The historic Paddle The Los Angeles River pilot program begins next weekend (continuing Saturdays and Sundays through September 25) in which the public will be legally allowed to kayak/canoe in the Los Angeles River for the first time in I don’t even know how long… decades, at least. Now, it’s not something as easy as …