Goodbye Halloween

I spend more than a dozen hours over the week leading up to October 31 fixated upon and fine-tuning a freaky frontyard for myself and a few trick-or-treaters and the occasional appreciative accompanying grown-up. I’m shepherd to a gaggle of ghosts, ghouls, fog machines, lights, ghosts, jack o’lanterns, tombstones, ravens, dismembered limbs, bones, skulls, fans, …

Sometimes A Benefit Of Doubt Has Its Benefits

Whether they’re in a rush or just are straight-up inconsiderate I still am forced to deal with the occasional motorist who frustratingly parks blocking our driveway. But this weekend I fought off one for every day. There was a neighbor’s car poorly parked Thursday and all the way to Friday morning. Then there was a …

Missed It By Thaaaaaat Much

Being a native angeleno who cherishes connections to my city’s history (in part because so much of my personal historical landmarks have been destroyed), I take a special geekish pride not just in our 104-year-old house, but also that I live within the original city limits as it was incorporated in 1850. With that love …

Walk This Way

Just amazing how a community can come together. When I turned the corner yesterday afternoon and came upon the hundreds of people gathered at the Silver Lake Recreation Center, there for a walk organized to honor and remember Dr Marc Abrams — Silver Lake’s indefatigable “Walking Man” — I choked up at such a wondrous …