
Following up on yesterday’s post about the new-and-improved birdbath, of course I set up a cam right beside it for a three-hour spell Sunday afternoon to capture any increase in avian activity. What follows is waaay too much proof that they like it, they really really like it: A sampling of the species sipping and …

For The Birds

A day after Patches gifted us with the live rat on Thursday (who died the next morning), Jiggy bestowed upon me a dead yellow-rumped warbler, and I knew the cute little critter’s untimely demise was all my fault. See, with a large planter pan about a year ago or so I established a bird bath …

Orb Weaver Can Haz Termites

A short spell of light rain yesterday was enough to disturb a subterranean termite nest on our property and bring its population to the surface (click image for the bigger picture): To the uninitiated, it can be a bit disconcerting to see a termite swarm suddenly flying about or moving along the ground seemingly from …

Orb Weaver Don’t Care

Two things you can count on angelenos to bitch and moan about: rain and traffic. Orb weaver doesn’t give a shit. Orb weaver’s bad ass. Rain? Feh. Traffic? Go ride a bike, says Orb weaver. The President of the United States is in town and it’s all about the gridlock everyone gets stuck in. Boo. …

Said The Spider To The Fly

Supersized, yes. But nope, this larger-of-the-large orb weaver’s is not a Halloween decoration. It’s the real deal — and this morning with freshly caught fly wrapped up to go below (click for maximum spiderfication):

Go Fish

Getting back in the saddle (after not riding yesterday on account of the rain) I rolled out what’s becoming my standard 12.65-mile route to the LA River and back. On the river bikeway when I came under the Fletcher Drive bridge I caught sight of a great blue heron at the water’s edge looking for …