Sunflower Porn: Shot Of The Day… Maybe The Season

After weeks of counting pollinators as part of my ongoing involvement with the Great Sunflower Project, I thrill with every bee I see. But I have to say, I’d been hoping for a little more variety beyond just honeybees.. Well, that variety arrived with my count including my first carpenter bee — and my timelapse …

Well That’s Different

For my timelapse observation of today’s sunflower, instead of the backyard, I chose one of the recently opened ones at the front of the house, a tall and healthy and large specimen not in Coyote Corner proper, but just outside the boundary to the right of what you can see on the Sunflower Webcam I …

And Now A Few Words About The Little Sunflower That Could

Over the past couple weeks I’ve been focused on the biggest blooms of my bunch of backyard sunflowers, but all the while I’ve kept an admiring eye on the runt of the litter, who as nothing more than a sprout got ravaged by some critter that tore off its starter leaves, leaving little more than …

First Fleur

Well, it finally happened. After two months and a fair amount of nurturing, cajoling (and head shaking for planting so many sunflowers in such a generally sunless spot of the front yard, Coyote Corner is proud to present its first blossom of the bunch, as shown half-opened as of this morning in a capture from …

Next In An Overdone Series: Sunflower With Bee

Just can’t help myself from sharing when I find a nice still from the timelapses I do of the sunflowers in my backyard patch (click it for the bigger picture): As to why I timelapse? It’s all part of making my voluntary observations for the Great Sunflower Project more efficient. Rather than physically park myself …