Today’s ‘Gator Lizard Brought To You By Pepper

On the heels of Monday’s hummingbird brought to you by Jiggy, this morning Pepper dropped off an alligator lizard — tail-less but otherwise unharmed — announcing its delivery with a strange wail that brought me into the kitchen without hesitation to find the reptile curled up on the kitchen mat. After a few minutes of …

Morning Snap: Mourning Dove

Its melancholy call caught my ear while out in the backyard this morning, and this mourning dove obliged me not only by staying put until I could return with my camera, but also by offering up this interesting pose (click image for the bigger picture):

You Can’t Be Cereus!

One of my most-viewed YouTube videos is a timelapse I made some 3.5 years ago of a nocturnally blooming cactus flower over the fence in my neighbor’s backyard. I made the mistake of titling the video “San Pedro Cactus Bloom” and paid the price for that in the ensuing comments with various way-too-serious cactologists who …

And Again With The Avocados

Waaaay back — I’m talking like three or four years — I set out to grow a batch of seeds from four store-bought avocados. All four sprouted leaves but one died rather quickly, and a second one went after a few months. The remaining two now all gangly/spindly and between three- and four-feet tall were …