Meet Our Brown Widow!

The inside of our garage door has been home to a brown widow spider and her various egg sacs for at least a year now. Most of the time when she senses movement she dives for her hiding place behind the door’s strut and hunkers down where she can barely be seen. But today as …

First Contact

My timelapsing cam didn’t capture if the bee actually landed on the first sunflower to bloom, only this shot (click it for the bigger picture) of it approaching. In the entire three-hour span spent taking pictures every two seconds, this is the only frame wherein a bee came calling. Not a great start to this …

Southside Sunflower Report

Well we finally have bloomage: Of the eight sunflower seeds planted in the two boxes hung off the southside stairs in June, six have grown, with the first having started its reveal yesterday (above how it looks this morning; click it for the bigger picture). Now the question is if it can avoid decapitation by …

Mystery Spiral

On a leaf of one of the six sunflowers growing outside the southside door of the house, I found this pattern. Are/were these eggs (or what’s left of them) perhaps or just the trail of some lopsided unknown bug (click it for the bigger picture). If neither than I’m going with a crop circle from …

The Early Bird Gets The Paddle

The historic Paddle The Los Angeles River pilot program begins next weekend (continuing Saturdays and Sundays through September 25) in which the public will be legally allowed to kayak/canoe in the Los Angeles River for the first time in I don’t even know how long… decades, at least. Now, it’s not something as easy as …

Connecting The Dots

On this edition of “Will Rides The River Bed — Again!” this time I’m joined by my friend Andrew and together we did something that I think is pretty unique in the annals of Los Angeles cycling, we bridged the long (roughly 8-mile, as the water flows) gap from the southern end of the Los …