A Star Wars Moment

My fellow Blogging.la contributor David Markland is psyched for the Star Wars Celebration beginning this Friday at the L.A. Convention Center, and wrote that he can track his desire to be a filmmaker back to when he saw the film and then the landmark “Making of Star Wars” special that aired on CBS back in …

Got Me Summa Dat Dim Sum

Susan and I are back from our trip to Orange County where we had lunch at the dim sum palace known as Sea Food Paradise in Westminster, at the entrance of which I found this concrete truth:  And inside I had plenty of this:  I had incorrectly called the above “butter encrusted shrimp” in the …

Making An OC Day Of It

In just a short bit, my baby and I are going to venture south of the L.A. County Line into Orange County to go see my buddy Billy’s mountain biking documentary Klunkerz on tap this 3:30 p.m. at the Newport Beach Film Festival. As such I suggested to Susan we lunch at the magnificent Sea …

Tonight We Dine At Applebees!

I was pleased a couple days ago to find a comment to my post on Will Ferrell in Stranger Than Fiction from my cross-country friend Timothy Hughes who was enthused to find what’s become a rare film review from me, and expressed interest in hearing what I might have to say about 300, which Susan and I saw a couple weeks ago …

The Real Will Ferrell Just Stood Up

Since I just mini-ranted about 24 in my previous post, I want to take part of my lunch hour to mini-rave about the absolutely marvelous Stranger Than Fiction that apparently came and went last year just long enough for me to read a brief good review in Entertainment Weekly or the L.A. Weekly and put it on my Netflix …