Several Reasons Why You Won’t Find Me Ever Seeing “10,000 BC.” Not In The Theater Not Via Netflix. Not No How. Not No Way. Not. Not. Not.

1. Roland Emmerich is the director. 2. Roland Emmerich is the writer. 3. Roland Emmerich is the producer. 4. No one in the industry has the balls to tell him to stop it. Instead he’s all “I have this great idea for a movie that I want to manage on every level because I’m Roland …

Magnificent Vista

(click to quadruplify) This morning my friend and fellow IAAL•MAF’er Manny and I scouted out next Saturday’s Watts Happening II Ride down to the 54th Street location of the horrific SLA/LAPD shootout of May 1974  and back where we arrived just in time for Mama’s Tamales to be open for a bite. Getting back home …

Sunday! Sunday!! Sunday!!!

Color this Sunday afternoon football-free and art awesome: Susan and I are gonna get on our bikes at noon and head downtown to catch the 1 p.m. matinee of Cloverfield at the Laemmle’s Grande on Fig. After that we’re gonna scoot on over to the Central Library to catch the last day of the Julius …

Quite Possibly The Greatest Movie Soundtrack In The History Of Movie Soundtracks

Am I exaggerating in the headline? Maybe a little, but in watching Charles Burnett’s 1977 Killer of Sheep (IMDB link) last night I was extraordinarily moved throughout this strangely compelling and haunting film about life in mid-1970s Watts — equally so by the evocative music choices that complement it. If the soundtrack is not available …

A Pocket Revu Of True

Last Thursday I told about my 26-year-old, off-and-on search to see the film True Confessions. From reading various critiques both of the film and the long-awaited April release of its DVD, I wasn’t sure if it was worth such a long wait, but that didn’t stop us from popping it in the player and putting …