It’s About Time

There are two ways you can read that headline: 1) As coming from someone whose patience is waning, or 2) As coming from someone answering “What’s this about?” From my perspective I’m way more in the No. 2 camp. See, this Thursday it will be 44 years to the day that I came into this …

Miles Of Milestones

I pedaled past my 2,000th mile this year with today’s bike commute (that included a trip to the dentist to fill a cavity and seal up a previous root canal retreatment… that’s right: I not only go for bike rides after riding bikes, but I even bike to and from unpleasant things). My annual mileage …

A Third Of The Way There

I’ve rolled past my first thousand miles today, finishing up with this evening’s commute home at 1,005 for the year to date. Only 1,995 more to reach my goal for 2008. Here’s a moment somewhere around mile 880 during the bike tour March 2; this macro of the cheap thumbnail image courtesy of the first …

LACMA Enlightened

Rolling home from work yesterday I detoured up Fairfax* to Wilshire and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art to see the official lighting of Chris Burden’s “Urban Lights” sculpture in the museum’s courtyard. Flickr set here. * Point of order: Passing all the restaurants along Fairfax through the Little Ethiopia district when you’re hungry …

I Can Has Carpool!

I was almost going to take the “one less car” button off my backpack before I left the house this morning, but I realized it still applied: me and my carpooling partner who I was on my way to pick up conspired to keep one less car on the road today. And the process was …

Ride On

In the afterglow of the pleasant and proud success of tonight’s IAAL•MAF spinvitational, which drew around 100 riders on a tour of the 10 downtown-adjacent bridges over the L.A. River, a couple milestones — or should I say mileage-stones? — took place. The first that happened was my accumulated commute and recreational 49.3-mile distance biked …