And I Almost Forgot

With all my harumphing below about the bike tour’s shortcomings, I forgot to make mention that at this morning’s weigh-in I’ve registered another three pound drop, bringing me to 232 (just two pounds from my first-stage goal; 3.5 months ahead of shedule) and a total of 28 pounds lost in 10 weeks.


Since last month’s inaugural blender experimentation with what I’ve come to call my “Everything But The Kitchen Sink” smoothie (Jamba Juice I am not), I’ve attempted to refine the contents of my concoctions to come up with fruits that complement each other. It may seem like a no-brainer that grapefruit and banana or apple and …

Goin’ Down

Sunday means weigh-in day. And hot damn if the scale didn’t register another five-pound drop putting me only five away from my first stage goal. If you’d told me I’d be removing 25 pounds in a mere nine weeks I woulda laughed with length and loudness. As I stand now at… 235 …the only component …

The Countdown Continues

I broke ranks with myself this morning and stepped on the scale. I thought I’d converted myself to weighing-in only every two weeks, but the impulsive side of me staged a coup. While I’d considered it during the week, I’d been hesitant to do so, in part because I hadn’t included any large-scale exercise efforts. …

Triumph Of The Pants

I’ll spare you any photographic evidence because I’m a loooooooong way from pointing a camera anywhere near my midsection. But today I did it. I tried them on. I call them “The Khakis.” Anyone who’s done the diet thing or experienced a weight gain of any significance can count on that seminal day when they …

A New Low

Today marks the conclusion of the seventh week of my diet. And though I skipped last week’s weigh-in (on purpose), I didn’t stop eating healthy or increasing my exercise output. I had five straight sub-2,000 calorie days this past week and walked three miles a day for those five days — with a strenuous 17-mile …