Guess Who They’re Letting In To The Jackopalooza!?

Gotta admit, I submitted my request to attend the Michael Jackson Memorial at Staples Center tomorrow far more to just bear witness to the public spectacle than to publicly bare any grief at his passing. And when yesterday came and went without getting confirmation — especially with the news that I was literally among a …

Do You Wanna Wride?

Whether you’re a reader who’s just thought about coming along or one who’s been on any of my weekend rides these last few Saturdays and Sundays, I wanted to post this up to let you know what I’m planning for this coming Saturday, May 30: The Frank Lloyd Wride — Hollywood Session Very brief backstory: …

I Witness

So yeah, that’s the aftermath of the accident I witnessed at 3rd and Commonwealth this morning.  The driver of the blue Subaru was turning left from 3rd to go south on Commonwealth when it was struck by the beige Ford coming east on 3rd. I rolled up on the scene to help and called 911 …