Dear L.A. Marathon,

You’ll pardon me if I’m not going all “golly gee!” over your new Stadium-To-The-Sea course route you’ve been crowing about this week. I’m still too bitter about the bike tour being dead to get all knee-deep in the rah-rah. What’s that, you say? The Bike Tour: still not dead? Ohhh, riiiiiiiiight. Sure, sure… I remember …

Weekend Wrap-Up

What a crazy busy wonderful last coupla days. If there’s ever been a 48-hour period where I’ve bitten off more than I could chew but still managed to swallow it all without choking, this was it. It all started Friday night coming home from work with an intensive trip to the market to procure all …

The Village Idiot Ride!

A couple months ago my good friend and cyclist-about-town Stephen, was returning home veeery early in the morning from a group night bike ride that then went even later seguing into a party for a friend of his. In getting back to Echo Park he opted to take a route from 4th Street that brought …

The Hottest Tix In Town

Nevermind their location is way in the up ‘n back and all the way over to the left, three of the coveted admissions for the “Bienvenido Gustavo!” event at the Hollywood Bowl October 3  just came in the mail yesterday! Thanks to fellow Silver Laker and LA Metblogs contributor Mykal Burns for dropping the super …

Afterward: Michael Jackson Memorial

As one of the 8,750 people selected out of the million-plus who submitted requests for tickets to the Michael Jackson Public Memorial Tuesday,  I attended the July 7, 2009 event at Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles. Though very much a life-long fan of Michael Jackson, I went somewhat cynically to observe the spectacle. But …