Rocket, Man!

Word out of Vandenberg Air Force Base is that an Atlas 5 rocket is scheduled for launch at 8:29 p.m., and with anticipated clear skies tonight its trajectory into orbit to deliver its classified payload should be visible to the unaided eye within a radius of 150 miles. “The 19-story rocket should be visible across …

Look! On the sidewalk!! It’s Arrow Man!

No, this is not me trying out a costume for an upcoming group bike ride. This is me during my fourth-annual participation in the L.A. River Ride route marking the morning of June 5, south of Olympic Boulevard on Grande Vista in Boyle Heights. Photographed by my friend and fellow veteran route marker, Steve aka …

Bike Around And Work Day

You may or may not have known that I’m now an official full-time telelcommuter. Have been for about two weeks. As such the distance now required to get to work has been reduced severely, roughly 15 miles to 15 feet — and no, I don’t bike from the bedroom to my desk… mainly because there …

Our Daily Bread

By far the most satisfying moment of yesterday’s Frank Lloyd Wride happened at our stop at the Monastery of the Angels between visits to Lloyd Wright’s Sowden House  and his dad Frank’s Freeman House. It didn’t begin well. Arriving at 12:20 to discover that the gift shop was closed between 12-1 p.m. for lunch, I …

Remind-O-Rama: Walk This Way With Me Saturday

I posted a heads-up on LA Metblogs that this Saturday I’ll be walking from USC to Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook State Park and back through some pretty interesting neighborhoods, if you wanna join me. I’ve biked through these awesome neighborhoods a lot these last couple years and I’m looking forward to footing it through and …