Not A Bad Way To Begin The Day/Week

Twenty-four miles and a big old jet airliner… all before breakfast. Unfortunately as my digivideo cam is not equipped to wirelessly transfer its data into the ether I have no capability of uploading my footage of the awesome on-time landing of the Airbus A380 at LAX at 9:30 a.m. this morning… but that should be …

Rats Are An Outside Toy, Ranger

Well, a late-breaking and omni-frustrating relapse this morning of the residual post-marathon equilibrium/dizziness/temp issues this morning made me decide it was a wiser thing to stay home rather than to risk operating a motor vehicle through rush-hour traffic. Note: It probably didn’t help that I had two gin/tonix and a beer on an empty stomach …

OK, So This Is The Story…

There’s plenty for me to kvetch about in regards to yesterday’s first L.A. Storytellers workshop at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion. But the encompassing aggravation is that I’m a writer, not a teller. I won’t go too deep into a play-by-play other than to say I arrived to find a much larger turnout than I’d been …

Carving Party

Susan and I aren’t frequent party givers… in fact the last time we had people over to the house for an organized thing was our post-wedding reception in June 2005. So when Susan said she wanted us to host a pumpkin carving party I was all for it, especially when she decided that the menu …

Dead Can Dance

Last year my sweetie and I experienced Hollywood Forever Cemetery’s “Day of the Dead” celebration for the first time. For this year’s festivities we decked ourself out muertos-style. Flickr photoset from the evening is here.

Keep Them Dawgies Bowlin’

A trip to Burbank’s Supply Sargeant surplus store for a beanie for my baby preceeded a trip to Costco to pick up my birthday present from my mom. For several years now mother and I have worked off the same script: Mom: You’ve got a birthday coming up. Me: Yep. Mom: You got anything particular …

E3 Not 2B

Armed with a magic “pre-approved” industry invite to all the seizure-inducing gaming goodness that is the E3 Expo provided to me by one of the bloggers at the Golden Gopher get-together Tuesday I wa very much looking forward to checking out the action. I was hoping to go yesterday, but the trip to the dentist …