The Dog Ate The Remote

By and large, Ranger’s adjusted well to being left to her own devices these past few weeks that I’ve been gigging full-time. No doubt having grown used to me being home during the days to having the house all-together devoid of humans can be a jarring transition for a young, high-strung pup. But we haven’t …

Expending A Few Rounds

So today afforded me the opportunity to meet up with Sean Bonner and Michael Baffico and several other firearm loving sonofaguns at the Los Angeles Gun Club on 6th Street east of Alameda where we put a fair amount of lead through a bunch of paper. I started with a Smith & Wesson 9mm that …

Tuesday Morning Bicycle Club

At the IAAL•MAF’s regular weekly ride around the Silver Lake Reservoir, I paused on the westside of the water to snap this inaugural image with my new Olympus Stylus 710: [large version here] And yes, at 6:28 a.m. it was already hot.

Surprise Surprize!

Cross-posted from So I’m all set to brave the heat and the madding crowds of Costco just now and I bust out the front door to find a DHL box on the steps. At first I figure it’s something for my wife since I certainly wasn’t expecting any deliveries, but when I pick it …

Life Is But A Stream

I made mention a couple days ago that my webcam hath risen. Little did I realize then that the latest EvoCam software upgrade I purchased includes a built-in Web server and the ability to stream video. So if you thought the stills of me sitting at my desk and typing were beyond exciting, then get …

Cam I Am

Just a heads-up to report that the ultimate in valueless frivolity — my webcam — is back up after being dormant since forever: