I Guess This Makes Me A Two-Time Loser

Earlier this week I lost a brand spankin’ new fangled audio recorder to some churchgoing thief that I had left regretably unattended for a few minutes, tempering what had been an enjoyable visit for an organ recital at the First Congregational Church of Los Angeles. Yesterday, an otherwise fantastic day has been shaded by a …

God Won’t Let Me Have Nice Things

Today was an odd day. I took it off from work because Susan and I had planned a “summit” with the architect and contractor regarding our upstairs disrenappovationtment (aka the $62,000 bath tub) — and that actually concluded quicker than I’d figured and more importantly on a positive with some hope that with a redesign …

I Sync I Can! I Sync I Can!

No one said I was the brightest bulb in the basket, most of all: me. I’ve had my iPhone since, what… July? And for those months I’ve been confounded whenever I’d attempt to transfer music and video files to it. See, I kept on attempting the method with which I’d become so familiar in iTunes …

The Saga Of The Electronic Blanket

Holiday shopping for my sweetie is mostly a hit/miss scenario. While I can be pretty specific and disproportionately demonstrative in what I want to unwrap on the big day, answers from her to “whatcha want for Christmas?” can range from sheepishly “I dunno…” to adorably petulant “Iwantthehouserenovationdone!” Mostly, it’s the former. And that leaves me …

Between A Few Pitches: Dodger Fan Douchebaggery

It’s a curse these mobile phones. They enable normally (or at least one can hope) mild-mannered considerate people to become knuckle-dragging mega dopes at the push of a button. A subset of these slathering droolsacks has been proliferating for years, namely those that find themselves with their phones at televised sporting events, wherein they’re in …

From my iphone

This is a test post sent from my iPhone using the wordpress iPhone app I learned about today from sean bonner who mentioned it on his blog because he’s having to resort to it in the wake of a laptop fail.