Microfiction – 014/365

What is this about? This Old House Seems like there’s one in every neighborhood and childhood, right? The old house. Abandoned for as long as anyone knew. Overgrown and worn out and boarded up and empty save for the rumors that fill its dark and dusty rooms with any number of demons and terrors. Ours …

Microfiction – 013/365

What is this about? Debt Collection No particulars — not yet at least. Suffice it to say I am not a good guy and I do not do good things, but because of that I am in demand. As such, I was contracted last week by a client to perform certain services, which were rendered …

Microfiction – 012/365

What is this about? Dead End Coming to as he was being wheeled through an emergency hospital corridor, the first thing Tim remembered was the last thing he thought of before the impact. He had thought of his best friend, of Nash, just prior to his dying. Prior to him red-lining his Suzuki, popping the …

Micro-Microfiction — 011/365

What is this about? And now a word from our sponsor: Not often will I interject explanatories or excuses into this creative experiment’s space, but here’s one: It’s been a pretty slammed week for me. I had to go into the office last weekend and since then I’ve been pulling mostly 12-plus hour days there. …

Microfiction – 010/365

What is this about? Drinking Buddy Salvador was from El Salvador and yes, that was his name and yes, that’s where he was from. I met him when I was living in Hollywood with my mom in 1977. We both delivered newspapers for the Herald Examiner back then. His paper route was adjacent to mine. …

Microfiction – 009/365

What is this about? Cemetery Heads West Samuel Hornblow Jones rolled to his right away from the dying embers of the campfire even before he’d come full awake. Coming up crouched in the sand on one knee, lightning reflexes led his left hand to skin his Colt .44 even before his eyes had opened onto …

Microfiction – 008/365

What is this about? Saturday Night Special The gun was originally my wife’s. Now my ex. Now my dead ex. Hit by a bus of all things one afternoon leaving the Central Library downtown. Now the place is called the Richard Riordan Central Library in honor of a couple of mayors ago, and that’s always …