Sunflower Porn: The King

Last year, or perhaps the year before, a lady friend who previously blogged under the nom du net of Jo Gillis sent me a batch of sunflower seeds harvested from some she’d grown that year. This is the first one to present itself among the mostly smaller lemon queen sunflowers that surround it. It is …

A Tale Of Three Scales

The scale upon which I have been weighing myself these last four years (and these last 43 — and counting — days) has been an off-the-shelf, 9-volt-battery-powered digital model purchased from Rite-Aid… or maybe back then it was still Sav-on. Wherever it was acquired I’ve never really cared whether it was ultra-accurate, just that it …

Sunflower Porn: Shot Of The Day… Maybe The Season

After weeks of counting pollinators as part of my ongoing involvement with the Great Sunflower Project, I thrill with every bee I see. But I have to say, I’d been hoping for a little more variety beyond just honeybees.. Well, that variety arrived with my count including my first carpenter bee — and my timelapse …

First Fleur

Well, it finally happened. After two months and a fair amount of nurturing, cajoling (and head shaking for planting so many sunflowers in such a generally sunless spot of the front yard, Coyote Corner is proud to present its first blossom of the bunch, as shown half-opened as of this morning in a capture from …

Weight! Weight! Don’t Tell Me

A week into the diet and I’m down two pounds and that’s right where I want to be. There probably are nutritionists out there who’ve spent careers studying physiologies and metabolisms and can site data to back up their claims as to the complexities of losing weight, but as I’ve said before as far as …

It’s A Simple Thing, Really

I’ve had some early success with my newly undertaken diet. Stepping on the scale this morning at the beginning of Day No. 3 I was surprised to find myself suddenly four pounds lighter than the 236 I was when I started this thing on Tuesday. Hang on now, don’t worry. I’m sensible enough to be …