Batchelder Tile Update

Yeah, so I went off on a couple tile companies yesterday who were too slow for my taste in answering my inquiry about the Batchelder tiles I’d found. Felt good getting that off my chest. But did I give up the search for knowledge? Hell no!  I also traveled down one additional avenue yesterday and …

Lazing On A Sunday Afternoon

Now that the RatCam has been retired I’m finding other faaaaaaascinating things around the backyard to catch video… all of which entirely by coincidence involve me including, chronologically: me reading in the hammock (with Ranger on the lookout for interruptions), me at the grill and me and my bay-bee dining with our good buddy Al …


I’ve been curious about a gangly tree shrub growing in the neighbor’s backyard next to the fence that separates the two properties since I moved in with Susan almost three years ago. Situated between the lowquat tree and a large cactus, each spring there appears at the ends of many of its spindly branches a …

Not Just Any Tile

Not only won’t the square tile pictured in the photo below mean that much to some of you, but to make things worse I’m showing you its unfinished underside: Discovered while doing some labor after dismantling the rat cave I immediately knew this was no ordinary tile and upon flipping it over and reading the …

A Happy Ending?

As stated, I took the rat cave down today. Tentatively and trepidatiously I removed brick by brick until finally there was nothing left but the perimeter walls: With the able assistance of Susan shining  a flashlight onto the spot where I had deposited them last Friday I’m happy to report that it appears the mother …

The End Of The Rat Cave Is At Hand

After attentive review of last night’s archived video it has been determined to the best of my ability and based on the evidence accumulated over the past week that there ain’t nothing going on in there. Thus I am declaring the property condemned and am preparing for demolition. I’ll report back whatever I find inside.

Rats! I Got Nothin’

In the six nights I’ve kept a video camera with motion-sensored image-capturing software trained on the “rat cave” I reconstructed since first displacing the momma rat and then subsequently discovering (with Ranger’s help) the nest of six rodent newborns, the best I’ve been able to come up with in terms of proof of momma’s comings …