
Oh, it’s on! I got home around 6 p.m. to find one of the San Pedro cactus night-blooming blossoms just itchin’ to open up and I rushrushrushed to get everything set up to capture it in all its glory, which my blogbud Julia asked in the comments of my first attempt if I’d actually taken …

Mid-Day Movie

Recorded yesterday, I apologize that it’s a 16-megabiscuit file but that’s what happens when you add music and slo-mo and stuff. The Dust Ball Era Featuring Ranger Click here for video Or if the higher rez ain’t worth the increased hez, here’s the YouTube link.

Foreign The Flora

File this under Never Ceast To Amaze. Last year it was morel mushrooms that sprang up outta nowhere in the backyard. This year in a decidedly barren patch along the northside of the house this pair of two-foot-tall bulb-tipped stalks climb vertical out of the dirt with no complementary greenery and proceed to go off …

Cactus Flower Power: Before & After

Before whatever critter it is that comes and dines on it, I finally succeeded in capturing a bloom in full of what I believe is commonly called the San Pedro cactus growing just over the fence in our neighbor’s backyard (click images to triplify):   Before •  6:34 p.m.  After • 9:23 p.m.