A New In Old

If you’ve read this blog for any length you know I get a kick out of digging things up out of the backyard, which is a steady supplier of stuff — most of it as worthless as it is intriguing. Be it marbles, figurines, opossum jawbones, World War II era German army helmets, whiskey bottles …

Frond Farewell

Chalk this one up as a weather anomaly. Or a poltergeist. At some point over the weekend during the post-rain winds that blew in and out Saturday, an old frond-y appendage from the smaller of our two backyard palms detatched its mooring to fall the 20-some feet to earthas others of its kind have done …

For The Birds

I reconnected one of the webcams and pointed at the birdbath outside since it’s finally been getting some visits from the locals. Obviously it’s likely to be more miss than hit as to whether you’ll see a bird in the static images that are served up, so I also archived all the pix captured into …

Look Wut The Dawg Dug Up

Making my backyard rounds this morning (to “scoopa da poopa” as I call it) before my carpool arrived to pick me up I found that Ranger in her infinite excavationability has potentially uncovered beneath the hammock stand a new trove of trinket treasure. Here’s the tip of the iceberg  craptastically captured on my phonecam (click …

Not Quite That Just-Brushed Feeling

It’s time again for another installment of “What Lies Beneath” and today what we’ve found out in the backyard is this crumpled up tube of toothpaste (quick to quadruplify): This isn’t just your run-of-the-mill container of Crest, folks. Nay. This is glorious Ipana from Bristol Myers, a brand that dates back to 1915. But thanks …