Gulls At The Pier

On our way off the Santa Monica Pier Saturday we came across a dude who looked like he’d gotten some experience feeding Cheetos to the gulls. He’d profer a snack in his fingertips and the gulls such as these two that would hover above him, riding the onshore breezes until he’d relent and toss it …

PupCam Is Live

Cybele’s wish is my command:  webcam page

Pupdate No. 1

Amazing how time flies when you’re having puppies. Has it really already been more than a week since Susan and I found them in the desert off Highway 163 in Utah? Seems like yesterday… but on the flipside, has it only been eight days? In a lot of ways it seems much longer. Especially since …

A Pair Of Angels

Another from the “One Should Never Fail To Acknowledge Kindness” file… or perhaps the “One Should Never Fail To Make Others Never Fail To Recognize Kindness” file: July 17, 2006 Grand Canyon National Park Attn: Joe Alston, Superintendent P.O. Box 129 Grand Canyon, AZ 86023 Dear Superintendent Alston, As part of a 4,500-mile, 16-day vacation …

Four Dog Night

Having been woefully without internut access since we entered Yellowstone National Park on July 5, on the way out of Arches National Park outside of Moab, Utah, this morning I’d been planning on catching you all up about the stuff we saw (like this) and did with the distant hope that I’d be able to …

Little Birds Little Birds

These tiny little tweeters (no more than three inches from beak tip to tail) appear this time of year in a moderately sized flock (I’ve counted 15 to 20) congregating a-twitter mostly in the big bougainvallia or the brush cherry tree in the backyard. They particularly enjoy it when the large leaves of the tall …