Fetching, Isn’t She?

Willing to risk looking like I goofed off had fun today, I offer these video-still moments of truth during a backyard fetch game with Ranger:

Morning Snap: Kitchen Leap — 7:21 a.m.

Every morning Susan divies up the breakfast can of Fancy Feast to the four cats. Bink dines in the bedroom, Pumpkin on the breakfast table, Pepper and Jiggy gobble theirs up on the kitchen counter. For whatever reason, after he finishes, Pepper walks to about mid-stove sets himself and makes the not-so-long jump across the …

The Jig Gets High

Here’s a floor-level view of our youngest cat, almost 3-year-old Jiggy, who can regularly be found at the highest level of these floor-to-ceiling shelves built in to the wall between the dining and living rooms: I’m not sure the appeal of such a summit (about nine feet high) but he certainly has no trouble getting …