Hovering Hawk

As I headed south on Aviation Boulevard across the southern runways of LAX to my right I spied a red-tailed hawk at my 11’oclock in midair just as it dove in pursuit of prey in the expanse of scrub beyond the fence to my left. The hawk aborted the attempt halfway down and pulled up. Then, against a strong …

Rats Are An Outside Toy, Ranger

Well, a late-breaking and omni-frustrating relapse this morning of the residual post-marathon equilibrium/dizziness/temp issues this morning made me decide it was a wiser thing to stay home rather than to risk operating a motor vehicle through rush-hour traffic. Note: It probably didn’t help that I had two gin/tonix and a beer on an empty stomach …

He Has A What!?

Admittedly we were lax in getting Bink to the vets. It’s been a good couple weeks of lost appetite and weight along with excess shedding and general malaise that we’d been hoping would somehow automagically correct itself, but this week Susan and I finally agreed that an animal hospital visit was long overdue and we …

Morning Snap: What, Me Guilty!?

This is Ranger’s “I’ll be good from now on” face, which is pretty much interchangeable with her “I didn’t do nuthin’” face and her “I swear the cats started it” face (note the blur of the wagging tail): [click image to enlarge]

So Busted

Most humans have no idea how severely the dog community at-large frowns upon illicit catfood use. I’ve run interventions with Ranger about this in the past and though she’s repeatedly indicated that she’s got her habit under control, I warned her that if she persisted I’d be forced to post shameful evidence of her addiction. …

Return Of The PupCam

I’m not sure how long I’ll keep it live, but in the aftermath of my successful failure in wi-fi’d webcam tagger surveillance earlier this week, I have resurrected the “pupcam” that we had in the kitchen after coming back from vacation last summer with the four dogs we rescued in Utah. Only this time the …