How Many Wingbeats Per Second Of A…

Couldn’t resist posting this. On our way up to the reservoir meadow event yesterday we passed under a bottle brush tree on Silver Lake Boulevard and this wonderful hummingbird obliged me taking forever to get my camera and long lens together by keeping busy until I could capture it (click to enlarge):  

Animal Update

Having just watched the live-action version of Charlotte’s Web tonight (by choice; you gotta problem with that?) I wanted to chime in with a brief base touch regarding the present status on some of the animals inside our barn and out: 1) While Susan saw a pair of sparrows sitting in the bougainvillea yesterday in …

Guests Of Honor

Susan scooped me on the backyard’s newest tenants, a mating pair of sparrows that are moving into a paper lantern dangling from the northeast corner of the house and busy constructing a nest within it. Being made of the aforementioned paper, the lanterns (there’s another hung from the southeast corner) are actually in pretty sad …

The Dog Ate The Remote

By and large, Ranger’s adjusted well to being left to her own devices these past few weeks that I’ve been gigging full-time. No doubt having grown used to me being home during the days to having the house all-together devoid of humans can be a jarring transition for a young, high-strung pup. But we haven’t …