Talkin’ ‘Bout My Generator

January 4, 2023 Backstory: When our 116-year-old house’s brick foundation was rebuilt back near the dawn of the 21st century, it involved a plan to direct any excess and accumulated water away from the new concrete via drainage pipes leading to a small cistern inside the basement and when the level within it hit a …

Angels Flight’s 121st Birthday

Since last summer I’ve had a side-gig as a Saturday operator of the #AngelsFlight Railway downtown. It’s truly a privilege to be directly associated and involved with this Los Angeles landmark. New Year’s Eve was the historic funicular’s 121st birthday (first day of operation was December 31, 1901) and to celebrate it during my shift …

Happy Foot / Sad Foot

I’m nothing if not a creature of habit. For years on our morning dog walks we would trace the same route, one point of which overlooked a Silver Lake landmark — the famed rotating sign on the corner of Benton Way and Sunset Boulevard for a foot clinic that was dubbed “Happy Foot / Sad …

Angels Flights: Ups & Downs

I’d imagine there have been hundreds to thousands of operators over the history of Angels Flight funicular at its original location at Third Street for its first 68 years (1901-1969), and then for these last 26 (1996-2022) at its present location a half-block south. However many operators there have been, these last several months I …

My First Game With Vin

I remember my first game at Dodgers Stadium. I was six years old in 1970. They played the Giants. I don’t remember the final score or who was pitching, playing or who might’ve hit a homerun or who won. But I remember where I sat. The seats were level with the field, a few rows …