But Now I’m Found

This easily dates back to 2004. Gawd, maybe even ’03. One of my favorite occasional stops along the internest then and now is the website of Found Magazine, and way back then they put out information that they were planning a book to be filled strictly with found Polaroid images submitted by readers. I didn’t think much of it until shortly thereafter I serendipitously happened to find a discarded Polaroid sitting in a puddle outside the building I worked in when I worked at the L.A. Zoo. Dutifully I retrieved it, scanned it in and sent it off to them and they were most appreciative and told me they’d keep me updated as to whether it would be used and if so when the volume would be released.

And the wait began. And continued. Every now and then I’d shoot them an email wondering what was up and sometimes I’d hear back politely telling me to chill. Then maybe about a year and a half ago I get an email saying they’d misplace my photo but had located it but had lost the caption I’d sent along with it.  Fortunately this was prior to my big email crash of 2006 and I was able to pull up my original correspondence and forward it on. Again they were appreciative and told me they’d keep me updated as to when the book would be published.

More waiting commenced, until eventually I went to the website and found a message that “Found Polaroids” was coming soon. How soon I e-queried? Really soon, they said.

More waiting, until a couple weeks ago when an email informed me that indeed it was true, the long-delayed somewhat-anticipated project had finally been completed and sent to the printer and would soon be open to the public.

My copy came in the mail today and I was thrilled to find my submission from three or more years ago spread out on pages 26-27 (image is clickable for enlargification):


The caption reads:

On the way from my cubicle here at the Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens to the cafe for an afternoon mocha latte, I glanced down to watch my step over a puddle of water and found the little girls in this Polaroid looking up at me.

School field trips to the Zoo are big this time of year, so my impression is that this image was taken by a classmate of two fellow students, probably earlier today. Look closely at the red jacket and you’ll see an image of a monkey on it. Maybe it’s her Zoo-going jacket.

Long a FOUND Magazine fan Iove so wanted to come across something that I could send in to you guys. Kneeling down and snatching up the waterlogged and highly distressed picture and shaking it dry, my primary thought was, “Finally, something for FOUND.”