Wow. Yesterday was full of sightings. First before leaving for work I set up my webcam outside to motion-sensor capture any avian activity around the bushtit nest we found in the backyard tree, and in addition to the individual stills I posted here on Flickr, I also got this brief action sequence ofone of the little birds emerging from nest’s entrance:
In the afternoon, it was light enough during the ride home from work for me to employ my sunglassescam — and I’m glad I could because I captured a couple disparate Hancock Park encounters. The first with a large and lanky raccoon loping across 4th Street and around a corner into a yard:
And the next encounter a couple blocks later was with a species of human known as rockstaricus americanum, more commonly known as Beck, who I’ve passed several times of late since he’s taken to traipsing around the vicinity of his nearby house (you’ll just have to look past the blur and take my word that the fellow farthest from me is him):