Basically with four days remaining before my baby and I catch a flight to Redding and commence a couple weeks of road-tripping through Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah and Arizona on our way back to Cali, I’ve got a goodly amount of doables that be needing doabling… such as:
- Haircut
- House clean
- Wrangle/recharge the variety of electricals and their respective cabling, batteries, chargers, adaptors (including cameras, phones, laptop, iPods)
- Get Shadow groomed/bathed
- Get flea stuff for the cats and apply it
- Bike at least 34 more miles on The Phoenix so that she’s at more than 700 miles for the year to date (I’d love to have 1,500 on her by year’s end)
- Lose those stubborn next two pounds to hit my July 1 goal of 210 early.
- Make a packing list.
- Pack.
- Remember what I forgot to pack.
- Pack what I forgot to remember.
- Remember to forgive myself for whatever I forget.
- And last but not least, since I still haven’t gotten my act together and produced a hardbound version of our Africa trip last year, I have to somehow pull together all the images and video from Africa into an iMovie — with music! — that I can port out as a DVD and a VHS tape to show Susan’s folks when we get to Montana for the 4th of July.
And speaking of states, the first five we’ll be visiting are ones I’ve never been in before, bringing me to a total of 35 states (in red) I’ve seen and/or traveled through at some point in my life: