I pedaled past my 2,000th mile this year with today’s bike commute (that included a trip to the dentist to fill a cavity and seal up a previous root canal retreatment… that’s right: I not only go for bike rides after riding bikes, but I even bike to and from unpleasant things). My annual mileage total now stands at 2,007.
That particular number has significance because it was my overall mileage goal for 2007. Further, I achieved that goal ahead of schedule in September of last year, going on to surpass 3,100 miles by December 31. Further further, I’ve done in less than the first five months of 2008 what it took me more than 9.5 months to do last year. Further further further, should all go well and according to plan I stand a rock solid chance of catching this year’s goal of 3,000 miles by somewhere around the middle of June — at which time, I’ll have to recalibrate to a new year-end number, dare I say… hmmmmm — 5,000?
I dare. But first let’s say hey to 3K.