The Biggest Bug Ever Seen In The L.A. River

I was taking a break on the serene L.A. River Bikeway just north of the Hyperion Viaduct in Atwater Village during today’s afternoon bike ride, admiring an egret and a great blue heron side by side waiting for their respective next meals to swim by.

All of a sudden moving noisily upstream, the biggest bug I’ve ever seen shot out from under the bridge, and I just had time to flip my cam to video mode and capture the anomaly. Check it out for yourself (but do please excuse the semi-maniacal laughter that issues forth from my amazed self):

By the time I pedaled south of the bridge the water bug was gone, leaving a telltale trail of the wet stuff up the east bank where no doubt it retreated to the streets via the entrance to Red Car Park. I’ve seen some preeeeetty strange things in the river, but this just about takes the prize.

Let this be a lesson to you folks: never go anywhere without a camera.