There were tickets in those days…
It’s late-breaking but I’m suddenly very very excited by Sunday’s long-awaited opening of the Gold Line rail extension from Union Station down through Little Tokyo and then across the Eastside. So much excited am I that my double-darned damnedest will be required so that Susan and I may include an exploratory excursion all the way out to the end of the line at Atlantic Boulevard — even if it’ll be a bit redundant seeing as how we’re planning a trip out to Montebello tomorrow morning for a seasonal visit to Broguiere’s Dairy to load up on the best egg nog in all the world directly from the source.
This amongst various other regular responsibilities such as sunrise porch-sitting, the requisite yard and house work, a Costco run, some bike riding, watching Alabama whup some Mississippi State tail, and shaking my head at the fact that “2012” is probably going to meet or exceed box office expectations.
Oh yeah: After learning about the BikeGlow bike frame lighting system in my favorite bike mag, Bicycle Times, I found that Chubby’s Cruisers near the office on Sepulveda carries them, and splurged on a pair of strands that I wrapped the frame in before leaving work tonight.
Whatcha think?
Even better: here’s a little taste of BikeGlow’s groovalicious blink mode:
Wow: A tool that exponentially increases both motorist awareness and FUN. That is so absolutely chock full of win I can barely contain myself.