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- Wake up
- Get up
- Go to the bathroom
- Check gmail
- Post response to comments on from friends Mr. Rollers and Manny
- Post another retort to latest deathless bike-hating troll here on YouTube
- Check; read various stories
- Get a cup of coffee
- Drink it
- Assemble and plug in new cordless portable WaterPik (required 16-hour charge time before first use)
- Assemble and plug in new Sonicare toothbrush (required 24-hour charge time before first use)
- Check the backyard for unauthorized critters
- Find none
- Take in the breaking day
- Let the dogs out in the backyard for their morning pee/poop/romp
- Check; read various stories
- Start typing this post
- Go down to truck in garage to retreive iPhone where I left it in the truck
- Plug in my iPhone to recharge it because morning alarm running continuously for about an hour drained it
- Check,,;; read various posts and stories
- Remember that the Dodgers won yesterday – yay!
- Take out recyclables
- Put dishes away
- Get a second cup of coffee
- Play fetch with Ranger until Ranger gets distracted by a squirrel
- Empty and refill outdoor water bowl
- Fill water can and water half the backyard potted plants
- Refill water can and water the other half
- Clear leaves and debris off the hammock
- Pick-up the previous day’s and morning’s dog poop, as well as the fig leaves that have started falling
- Walk face first through a spider web
- React accordingly
- Check tortoise
- Scoop the cats’ litter box
- Refill indoor water bowl
- Pour out what’s left of Bink’s water bowl into foyer ficus; refill and replace on nightstand in bedroom
- Refill Bink’s food bowl
- Refill main dry catfood bowl in dining room
- Refill dogs food bowl
- Play a little more fetch with Ranger
- Get newspaper
- Continue typing this post
- Grumble about the new forks for Le Noir being juuuuust short and then take Le Noir down to store in the garage
- Retrieve my Giant roadie from the garage and bring to foyer
- Reinstall front and rear lights
- Give Susan a good morning hug and kiss
- Pump tires
- Dismantle floor pump when it starts leaking and reassemble it; it stops leaking, FTW.
- Gather snack/lunch items for the day — Marie Callender’s entree, yogurt, Luna bar, banana and two Diet Pepsis
- Choose work pants and shirt
- Remove $468 dentist receipt from backpack and give to Susan for possible 2008 medical expense deduction
- Check Twitter
- Type more of this post
- Succumb to Jiggy’s unstoppable need to be petted
- Join all animals in kitchen as Susan prepares their morning breakfasts
- Watch Pumpkin freak out and run into bedroom where he’s pursued by Ranger, which freaks Bink out forcing him to dive off the bed and under it
- Remark about that chain of events
- Rinse cat and dog dishes, put in dish rack to dry
- Rinse coffee carafe, put in dish rack to dry
- Dump used coffee grounds
- Rinse filter basket, put in dish rack to dry
- Tell Susan I’m going to invite mom over this weekend to watch Bill Murray’s “Razor’s Edge” with us; she’s cool with that
- Tell her that preliminarily it looks like I won’t be participating in Friday’s RIDE-Arc ride
- Take out non-recyclable trash
- Put new trash bag in kitchen can and another in litterbox can
- Put work clothes, food items and newspaper in backpack
- Unplug iPhone and put in backpack with wallet after counting cash on hand: $24
- Give Susan a goodbye kiss remind her the vice presidential debate is tonight
- Listen as she reminds me “Survivor” is tonight, too
- Shower
- Dry off
- Decide not to shave because I shaved yesterday
- Brush and waterpik and floss and use mouthrinse
- Apply deodorant
- Apply hair gel
- Brush hair
- Skeptically apply Axe body spray I impulse bought yesterday
- Immediately regret that purchase
- Choose boxer briefs and administer
- Choose socks and administer
- Choose bike shirt and administer
- Eye the bike pants I’ve worn all week
- Administer sniff test and decide they’ve got another day of wearability and so administer
- Put on bike shoes
- Type up the rest of this post and publish, after which I will:
- Put on sunglasses, sweatband, gloves, helmet and backpack
- Turn on Sirius Radio’ Chill Channel on the boombox in study for ambient noise; illusion that someone’s home
- Go to kitchen and close/lock windows
- Make sure back door is locked and petdoor is open
- Get jerky treats for dogs
- Pet Pumpkin having a snack in the dining room
- Gather dogs in living room, request they sit, praise them when they do and award jerky treats
- Bid them farewell
- Remember to open garage to retrieve keycard with with to access service entrance at office
- Exit the house with Giant OCR roadie
- Appreciate that it seems cooler than the last couple days
- Pet Pepper sitting in his morning spot on the porch
- Lock front door
- Enter garage, retrieve keycard, close garage door
- Begin biking 15 miles to work