Making A List

Things I Wanna Do This Weekend (and probably will):

  • Bike up to the Hollywood nunnery and get a loaf of pumpkin bread (thanks for the reminder Militant!)
  • Begin my Christmas shopping
  • Clean the bike (and change the slow-leaking rear innertube)
  • Take Susan to dinner at that new El Caserio restaurant on Silver Lake Boulevard north of the 101
  • Put up the Christmas decorations

Things I Wanna Do This Weekend (and most likely won’t):

  • Finish my Christmas shopping
  • Drive over to The Kobbler King on Jefferson and check out their wares
  • Drive a little further on Jefferson and pick up the abandoned fence post I saw ( if it’s still there; don’t ask)

Things I Don’t Wanna Do (but gotta):

  • Go to the vet’s and get medicine and special food for Shadow
  • Groceries (Costco & Vons)
  • Clean the house
  • Rake leaves
  • Laundry

UPDATED (12/3): Not too shabby. The only things I didn’t get done were that visit to The Kobbler King, dinner at El Caserio, and my bike’s cleaning.