Sufferers of my deathless postings about my urban bicyclizings, sorry: here’s my next one.
At the end of bike business today, with a roundtrip work commute that included a side venture up to The Grove’s Apple Store (to pick up a replacement mouse for the one I broke trying to fix the little roller bally thing on top that had failed and whose functionality I can’t live without), my total mileage for the year stands at 2,522 — a full 515 miles over my original goal (achieved in September) of 2,007 miles for 2007.
You know where this is going, right? Yup: 3,000 miles. A number I’ve never before achieved in any 12-month period and wouldn’t have dreamed of getting close to… until now. With a total of 46 cycling days left in the year in which to roll a cumulative 478 miles to get there, I have but to average a lousy 10.6 miles per day. Hell, if I do nothing but get up at 5 a.m. every morning and bike around the Silver Lake reservoir a couple/three times I’ll hit it.
But that’s not going to be how I roll — and certainly not on an every-day basis. There’s bound to be weather issues at some point (or at least one can hope) and we’ll be in South Carolina for most of next week for Thanksgiving. So as it stands I’ll have to rely on my weekly commuting mileage combined with any extracurricular distances afforded me by the occasional weekend day ride or odd group night ride.
Let’s go get it!